Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Here are some activities we've been doing...
 Amelia as previously mentioned is very helpful - here she is helping her daddy cook supper.  Amelia can also almost make herself waffles in the morning!  Whenever we go in the kitchen, she runs over to the chair, pushes it over to the counter and says "help, help".
 Amelia trying on mommy's shoes.  "Shoo, Shoo"
 Amelia helping me make monkey bread.  When I cook I like to taste test the food a little bit, so when she helps, I will sometimes let her taste a little also.  In this instance she decided to help herself - but instead of it being something good - she was eating handfuls of flour!
 On this day Amelia was enjoying taking her pants off.  Most pictures are smiles - so here is a frown.
 And back to smiles!
 Amelia helping me wake up Isabelle!
 Isabelle in the bumbo!  She is doing so good sitting.  She can't last very long, but I'm so amazed that at 2ish months this little baby is strong enough to hold her head up enough to sit in the bumbo.
 Amelia wanted to be a part of Isabelle's sitting aids, so she sat in the boppy pillow
 Such a happy girl.
 Isabelle lifting her head up!  Way to go little muffin!
Love the little half smile.

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