Saturday, June 25, 2011


I always thought that if you reached that 11 monthish time frame without your child hooking onto a pacifier or their thumb as parents you were out of the woods and claimed some sort of success.  Well evidently, 11 months is not the magical age to be free of hooking onto something.  Yes, it appears Amelia now has the habit of sucking her thumb.  Its not a ton and it is usually is when she is tired, during naps and at night.  The sucking started out slow and maybe by mistake?!  (A hopeful parent says)   Amelia started out by trying to stuff as much as her blankie into her mouth as possible.  She would stuff and suck and chew the blankie, but as time when on - the thumb (either one fits the bill) that would help stuff the blankie would be the only thing left as the blankie somehow tumbled out.  And now, the stuffing of the blankie appears to be decreasing as the thumb sucking is increasing (the girl just gets right to the point!).  So I am left with the perplextion of what to do now?!  Do I let her keep sucking her thumb or try and break the habit before it becomes a hard core habit?  I assume it comforts her in some way - even though she never really had a problem going to sleep before the thumb entered the picture.  I'm also not sure if it is to help her upper gums feel better - she has been working at those for quite some and they have yet to show themselves.  So research I will have to do, but for the mothers of thumb suckers out there......I ever so humbly ask.....any suggestions?

1 comment:

safmomma said...

I would suggest to try to stop it before it really gets going. . .if you can. We still struggle with Paige in the night. Though Alaina was Super easy to break. But then, if it somehow helps them, it's hard to not let them. This one is on you. Good luck!