Friday, June 10, 2011

All Things Amelia

This past week Amelia turned 11 months old!  I cannot believe it - how fast time has gone by!  Before Amelia - people always said how fast time goes by when you have kids, but its hard to understand until it happens to you.   It has been so enjoyable - truly enjoyable to be Amelia's mom.  She brings such joy to our lives and every day I give a heartfelt thanks to God for bringing her into our lives.

With time going by so quickly - I realized I had better take a post to write down some of the cute things Amelia does.....
- About 1/2 way home from work Amelia will start buzzing her lips and be covered in spit & bubbles by the time we reach home or she will randomly start laughing
- When Amelia eats, when I say, 'Hmmm, that was yummy!' - Amelia will get a grin on her face and click her tongue as if to say 'Tasty'
- When I go to pick up Amelia up from daycare, she gets so excited she will squeal and flap her arms like a bird
- Amelia will play hide and seek with us - she crawls to find us in the hallway or doorway
- If my legs are in the way and Amelia could go around them - she would much rather bulldoze her way over my legs, land on her face and wiggle the rest of her body across
- Amelia is much more interested in her blankies and will try and stuff as much as she can in her mouth
- Can stand by herself - until she realizes she is standing by herself
- Snuggles with me in the morning when I wake her up, though it seems to becoming less and less these days
- LOVES the dogs so much.  Whenever she can bet them she laughs and giggles.  And I am positive she can almost say Indie
- Has decided her new favorite spot in the loft is in front of the window and spinning the window handle
- Loves to be outside
- Sleeps with her rear in the air
- Gives her mommy and daddy hugs

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