Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Night at Greenwich Village

The Ford Museum also has a village and during Christmas time they have outdoor festivities at night. We thought it would be fun to go as it is one of the best events the museum puts on. However, I don't think we realized how cold it was going to be! It was freezing! We tried to stay warm by bundling everyone up and frequently going inside.
The kids all bundled up!

Listening to the outdoor Christmas music

Amelia sleeping

Michelle wore Elijah to keep him warm

Gramma stayed with the girls while the rest of us looked around outside

Uncle Pat and Emma

Amelia and Gramma

Coming back from the carousel

Amelia bundled up!

The Model T's were taking people on rides and everyone was dressed up in old fashioned clothes

Noah and Aunt Kathy

Noah and Uncle Pat

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