Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fast Friends

I think it is amazing how the connection between the dogs and Amelia has grown so quickly, without really even being near each other that much. The dogs have always been curious of Amelia - especially Indie! As Amelia has been in the kitchen more, due to eating solids and sitting in the bumbo watching us - she is constantly watching the dogs and is very curious about them. Daddy put Amelia down by the dogs and they all loved it!! Even Joey got in on the fun!
Indie would try to rub himself on Amelia like a cat

Amelia's new found death grip found its way to the dogs' hair! They did a very good job handling it

Of course Indie had his tail a-waggin' and gave Amelia a couple whips:)

Indie also kept trying to kiss Amelia....he has yet to learn personal space, so we are going to have to work on that for Amelia's sake.
Amelia and the dogs are becoming fast friends and I think it their friendship will only grow! Stay tuned!

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