Monday, June 10, 2013

World Of Walking

I think it is pretty safe to say - Isabelle is walking!  And not just a few steps here and there.  Legitimate laps from the loft to the closed doors in the hallway and back and forth and back and forth.  

She still tries to take advantage of the available finger when she gets the chance.  And if she does get a finger, she knows how she wants to hold it - which she has no issue re-adjusting while holding your finger hostage with her other hand so you don't take it away.  

Isabelle also loves to walk around with something in her arms, whether its lambie, a soccer ball, kitty or the beloved mickey mouse - it seems to help her balance and give her confidence.

This weekend we went to a couple different parks, which I have found are a great place for practice walking.  The terrain is uneven, yet forgiving.   Isabelle did a great job walking around, until she decided she wanted to taste the mulch - no more walking for you baby girl!  

Isabelle has even taken to walking around our kitchen instead of sitting in her little car - and if you try and put her in the little out - you are going to hear about it!

Overall, she still does not like falling down, though I have to give her balance credit, not only will she catch herself from falling, she will also catch herself from face plants.  So she is definitely getting better there too.

I find it amazing that the places Amelia was attracted to when she started walking, like the bathroom cabinet, is the exact same place Isabelle is going.  I'm not sure how this is possible with kids, especially since Amelia doesn't go in there anymore.  

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