Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hotel Fun

After our trip to Kansas and our afternoon with Great Grandma Lillian we stayed at a hotel. Since hotel carpet is not the epitome of clean, the bed was Amelia's playground and she loved it!

At this point - it was a week before she was crawling, but she was sooo very close!

Amelia and Daddy were having so much fun together! Amelia made sure to give "the bitter".

Amelia did really well overall sleeping during the weekend. She had some troubles on Saturday night, but the poor girl had about a 30 minute nap all day and had lots of stimulation! Who can blame her?!

"Look at me!"
This was not the only time Amelia spent on her belly. Amelia realized her freedom in the pack 'n play and spent her first night sleeping on her stomach! Of course, this was after rollin' around, back and forth.

Time to snuggle with Papa!


Amelia was quite contagious with her laughter and Papa was quite the entertainer!

1 comment:

safmomma said...

9 months is such a fun stage. I love it when they finally get to that age. I miss her! She is growing soooo much! Congrats Amelia on your mobility!