Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Daddy's surprise!

One Friday morning, it all started out as normal, until we woke up to find out Daddy wasn't going to work that day!  INSTEAD we were headed for a day of family fun and bonding.  Something this family really needed.  A time to connect.
 Despite lots of questions, Daddy made our destination a surprise and this is Amelia finding out we were going on rides - all day at MOA.
 Lando chillin' in his normal place!
 The carousel is always a favorite!  And bonus points for Daddy - he went with you guys every time.
 Roller coaster time!
 Daddy and Isabelle in the whip around car
 Amelia was also brave enough to give the swings a try!  (More bonus points for daddy!)  She loved it!  And they had these nice double chairs, so Daddy and Amelia could sit right next to each other.
 Bus time!
 Amelia in the car 
 Mommy and Isabelle
 A little car-to-car banter 
 And the reason I call it the whip around!
 Mommy and the girls! 
 Amelia on the bouncer!  She is such a brave girl
 The girls also got their face painted!  They were so excited!
 Amelia got Elsa and Isabelle got swirls!
 Amelia and mommy on the whip it ride
 How to you top off an awesome, relaxing day?  Have a camp out, watch a movie and eat peanut butter popcorn!  Even Landon loved the mattress - something to pull himself on.
Thank you so much my love for creating these memories Daddy!  The day was perfect - relaxing, a fun time, and one of those things that leaves a lasting memory - even for a mommy.  I love you!

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