Thursday, June 21, 2012

Tooth Brushing

Brushing teeth with Amelia has proven to be quite a challenge over the last few months.  I have tried many trick, but not many work.  In general, its going better - we use an electric toothbrush and I have to force it, but overall I am able to brush her teeth with some success and she doesn't seem too traumatized afterwards.  And of course, Amelia always gets her turn to brush her own teeth, which she loves to play in the water while I brush my teeth.  Lately she has picked up a new skill during teeth brushing time.....spitting.  I think she enjoys this most of all and she tried her new found talent one time (ok - make that 2 as I write this - oh wait now three and four - I'm not joking either!).  I was going to say - now the trick is to keep it only in the bathroom and looks like that truly is the issue! 

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