Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Landon Funnies

Landon is keeping us on our toes......on our way home from the park (we left because he was soo thirsty) the kids were running up ahead.  As I came around a parked car I see Landon getting down on all fours about ready to drink the water out of the side of the street.  'NOOOOOOOO' - luckily it was one time he actually listened.

When I go to pick Landon up from daycare he calls me 'His Kathy is here, his Kathy'

Landon calls his sisters, Mela Jane and Ibelle Ryne.

Landon introduces himself as Lannon Russell Vigneron

The boy does not know a stranger....he sparks a conversation with anyone we talk to as if they are his best friend.

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