Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Well Stated

Tonight Amelia reeeeeeeaaaaaalllllly wanted to watch Paw Patrol (the new family favorite); however, Tuesday nights are our watch a bible story night.  So Daddy posed a challenge.  
Daddy:  Amelia if you can tell me how Paw Patrol relates to the bible - I will consider letting you watch it.
Amelia: Well Daddy, it shows me how to help others.
Daddy:  Ok, but how does that relate to the bible?
Amelia:  Well, it shows me teamwork which helps me obey my parents.
Us: Speechless and Impressed.
Amelia smiled a huge proud grin - since she knew she had done it.

So we made a compromise....we could watch half a Paw Patrol and a shorter bible story.

Well thought out Miss Amelia.


Generally speaking it was just a good night - Isabelle had the idea she wanted to help me make supper and Amelia jumped in to help too.  We decided to have eggs and toast, so they helped mix, pour, spread, spoon out and work together.   It was really fun to see how we all worked toward the common goal.

They were very pleased with themselves and they ate a lot!

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