Sunday, October 18, 2015

Complex Trickery

This post has been a long time coming.....but generally speaking - I've been a bit behind in my posts (still in June - currently October - yikes!).   Anyway, I'm still pluggin' slowly away and my boy in particular is growing like crazy!  And this kid doesn't miss a thing - kind of like the other 2 but for whatever reason, he just keeps us on our toes.  Yes boy, yes other distractions, but still - complex trickery is all I can think of to describe it.  

So it used to be things like getting into the trash or pulling out ALL the kleenex - multiple times.  It grew to getting on the stool in the bathroom and sucking on all the toothbrushes or pulling off the child protective things on a couple of the cabinets (we watch him very closely on a couple now).  He then graduated to lifting to toilet cover and splashing in the water (fun - ew), pulling everything out of my purse and finding the hand & foot cards - proceeding to open the zip lock bag and throwing them all over.   

Now he has upped his game - and stick with me on this.....
Part 1 - Isabelle wanted some water, so I got her a water bottle and labeled it with an I on top.   She left it on the dining room table.  
Part 2 - Couple days pass.  We sit down to watch TV after the kids in bed, Patrick goes to grab a water bottle and downs half of it and starts to get comfy on the couch....then says -  What's this?!  Looks down and there is an I on the water bottle.  Hmmmm, evidently Landon knows where the water bottles come from and felt he should put it back!   What a smart kid.

Gotta watch this kid!

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