Thursday, March 27, 2014

Amelia and Isabelle

I don't write often and this is the first time on this blog-but I wanted you to hear from your dad at least once on here. Landon, I'm sure I will write on here for you eventually as well. First, I want to say "thank you" to your mom for taking the time to publish this blog. I hope someday you both appreciate it as much as I have. Today, I looked back to see Amelia at two years of age (It's hard to believe Isabelle is going to be two years old in two weeks). I didn't expect this to make me sad or bring about unexpected emotion. The cliche that time flies is undeniably accurate when you have children.

Amelia, you have grown so much and have gone from being a toddler to a young girl. You currently have a soft spot for your dad. Two days ago I came home to a present you created just for me. You wrapped it with tender care and were so proud to share it with me when I got home. According to your mom the idea was all your own. The picture is displayed proudly in my office at work. It's hard not to enjoy coming home to see you. You bring a smile to my face when you ask with earnest, "Hi daddy, how was your day?" I am trying to soak it all in, because of the inevitability and the eventuality of you getting older. You love Jesus and also have a tender heart for both your siblings. You look forward to pizza and a movie night (ok, daddy does too). You look at me so hopeful in the mornings when you ask, "Daddy, are you staying home with me today?" when you are up before I leave for work. It breaks my heart to tell you that I have to work and see the sad in your eyes. You are going to do great things in your life and I have no doubt you are going to be a beacon for this world.

Isabelle, my firecracker. You have always kept your mom and I on our toes. I don't see this changing any time soon either. You are opinionated but exceptionally sensitive. You love your brother. Like LOVE him. If he doesn't have a pacifier you make it your personal mission to find it and get it to him. I have also found you on more than one occasion leaning over his bassinet with your feet dangling, patting him on the head or tickling him. You are the definition of boundless activity from jumping to dancing. But, you are also a cuddler after a nap or if you just need a moment of comfort from mom or dad. I can't wait until you start talking more  clearly because you have so much to say and get so frustrated with me for not understanding. You are a natural leader who will interact and play but be just as content going your own way. I would love for you to hang onto your strengths which will help sustain you in the future. Somehow your mom and I have to find a way to harness those, because the fearlessness which will be a strength in the future can get you into trouble now.

I will conclude this post by saying it is a pleasure being a dad to both of you. I have been blessed beyond what I deserve. I pray that I can shepherd your hearts and help you understand the love of Jesus.

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