Amelia: Hello there. Mommy - see, see (the picture)
Isabelle: Ohhhh, what's that?!
A: Hello again.
I: Hmmm, maybe I can reach that thing....
I: Oh, I missed that thing, but I got Amelia instead!
A: Um, excuse me?! What are you doing?
A: Why are you grabbing hold of me?!
I: Yay, this is fun - maybe I can get her again!
A: I love playing with my ball. I'm folding it into my blankie.
I: Hi mommy!
A & I: Hmm, nice ball.
A: Here Isabelle, you can play with my ball
I: Oooo, I like this ball!
A: Ok, I want it back.
I: But I liked that ball!
I: Well, I still like that ball.
I: I love huggin you!
A: As long as you don't try to take my ball.
A: Ok, maybe that's enough of that!
I: I will get that ball one day.
The End.
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