Saturday, August 7, 2010

Mel, Mark, Paige and Alaina Visit!

Last weekend Mel, Mark, Paige and Alaina came to visit and meet Amelia for the first time. I think Amelia won them over! Mel even got up and fed Amelia during the night! Thanks Mel!
The girls helped Unkie blow up a basketball hope to play with. I'm so glad we have been able to build a relationship with the girls as they have grown up. Its fun to see them and their Unkie having so much fun.

Paige loved to hold Amelia! It was so sweet to watch her attentiveness and love for Amelia - even when she had just met her!
Paige also helped pick out Amelia's outfit for the day.

Every so often Paige would kiss Amelia - it was so sweet.

Even though infants have absolutely no need for shoes - I couldn't help but get her these little sandals - they are so adorable!
Amelia has been doing a great job of being alert and focusing on faces, so Paige and Amelia got bonding time looking at each other. Amelia also started tracking objects last weekend. Papa was the first to see it as she tracked his hand.
Alaina did hold Amelia; however, she was so quick that I didn't get any pictures of it.

I was very impressed with Mark's abilities - Amelia went right to sleep on Mark's lap which was great since it was her bedtime.

Nana and Papa got a hotel room for the weekend since it would have been a tight squeeze to fit everyone in our house. On Saturday, they went to Duluth and we used the pool in the hotel. Unkie and Mark went swimming with the girls and Mel, Amelia and I watched.

Alaina loved the hot tub! She went back and forth multiple times and had a blast; however, I think it was a bit difficult for Mark to make the transition back to the cold pool!

Paige, Amelia and Alaina

Aunt Melanie with Amelia.

Patrick and I with the girls!

Nana and Papa wanted to get a picture with the girls. As we tried to get that "perfect" picture with everyone smiling, the pictures instead dissolved into giggles and tickling.

One last picture before everyone had to go home. It was a great weekend and fun to introduce Amelia to her cousins and aunt and uncle.

1 comment:

safmomma said...

We had so much fun with you guys. I'm so glad that we got to "meet" Amelia while she was still so small. She is so precious and I can't wait to build a relationship with her. Love you guys.