Friday, July 9, 2010

Introducing Amelia Jane Vigneron

Amelia Jane Vigneron came into the world at 2:46 pm on July 8, 2010.

20 inches long

6 lbs 15 oz

Born at Southdale Hospital, Edina Minnesota

We arrived at the hospital at 7:30 am and the doctor broke my water at approximately 8:00 am.

Mother-to-be in the delivery room before the induction started.

The parents to be

"I have to do what?!"

Immediately after Amelia was born...I couldn't help but cry tears of joy.

Amelia after she was cleaned up and given a little bit of oxygen to make her turn pink.

Amelia is very good at finding her hands, even being this young.

She was all about the pouty lip while she sat under the warming light. Already showing personality!

Why did you take me from my warm home?!

Amelia getting weighed for the first time.

Our new family:

Patrick, Kathy and Amelia Vigneron

New mommy and baby

New daddy and baby

Since the induction was sort of scheduled - both moms were able to come to Minneapolis and share in our excitement. This is the first introduction to their new granddaughter.

Gramma Motorcycle and Amelia

Nana and Amelia

Isn't she sweet?

Amelia's 1st bath

Day number 2 of life.....and the adventure begins!


andrea said...

oh Kathy. I'm so happy for you guys! You'll love that little one more than you ever thought you could. Enjoy these newborn days. They are so precious. Wish I was closer so I could come visit!!!

safmomma said...

I love her! I want to hold her soooo much! I'm so happy for you guys and can't wait to meet her.

lu said...

Congratulations from Kansas! She is absolutely adorable!! I must agree with andrea...."Enjoy these newborn days....they are precious and priceless! Just wish we were closer to hug and spoiler.
Love & Hugs to all of you!
The Laswell family & Great Grandma

Unknown said...

Congratulations you two. You have created a beautiful daughter. Of course i think she looks like her Daddy:) Mouth down and eyes up you Kathy. She is perfect in every way. Your pics bring back those memories of Thrill, Joy, Pride, and yet scarey at the same time. This little one is totally dependent on us. But you guys will do great and life will never again be as it was with two. God is Good!!