I will preface this post by saying its long....really long. Its our Christmas time at Gramma and Grandpa's house. Instead of doing multiple posts - I decided to just do one reaaaaaallllly long one. So be fore-warned.
Gramma got some of our old toys out and one of them was the sit and spin. Amelia actually did pretty well getting the hang of it, though I don't think she is quite old enough to appreciate how dizzy you can really get.
Daddy tried the sit and spin, but is just a little big for it.
Isabelle eating her mums. Other than yogurt - I think these are her favorite things to eat.
Amelia loved this little snowman that danced - she sat and watched him over and over again.
Isabelle and Harley. These two shared a bond at Christmas....a bond of not knowing the other's personal space bubble. But I think they both loved every minute of it.
Isabelle finding out how fun Grandpa's buttons are
A congregating area!
More bonding time
Amelia loved putting the recliners out and sitting with Gramma
Time to build a fort! Amelia can't quite stay in them as much as make them fall over, but she loves the idea just the same.
Grandpa's turn for the recliner!
Isabelle in her Christmas dress
Sister picture!
Family picture.
Joey decided she wanted to be a part of it.
I must admit, had my photo editor not crashed you would see the heads of our missing family members sprinkled throughout....oh technology.
Grandpa, Gramma and the girls
Our family picture....the girls were pretty much loosing it by this point, so there wasn't much time to get a good one.
One more try
At church.....oh the church service. We wanted to go and so we did. The service was a quiet one and the girls were not....not at all. Before the service even started Amelia announce to everyone she wanted to go bye bye. "mommy, go bye bye." Daddy eventually had to take her out of the service, which you would think that would end the embarrassing moments, but no. Half way through you hear someone knocking on the doors trying to get in! Yes, that was Amelia. An usher even came out to let the person in. Another shade of red. Isabelle must have felt left out, because then it was her turn and Gramma ended up taking her out of the service too. So long story short, I hope next year goes better.
Daddy wasn't feeling the best, so we opened one gift on Christmas eve instead of all of them. Amelia was so proud of her wrap job for gramma.
Amelia got a vacuum cleaner! This was great because it has helped her start to get over her fear of the vacuum. She loves to park it next to the big one and likes to vacuum with me.
Grandpa helping get the vacuum cleaner out. Grandpa just couldn't go fast enough for Amelia!
Grandpa's gift! Another superb wrap job.
Isabelle got Belle the doll, which Gramma bought last year before Isabelle was even born (or her name announced!)
Gramma and Amelia drawing. Amelia learned the fun of holding 2 markers at once.....she was some pretty hot stuff!
Eating Christmas dinner. Isabelle was quite the little comedian
And all smiles!
A visual definition of boredom!
Amelia vacuuming the couch
Everyone had fun hats to wear for Christmas. This is Gramma's
Amelia in her hat
Isabelle amongst the presents
A couple pictures of the girls, they were so cute sitting in front of the tree. Amelia was so excited to open gifts.
Who?! What?! Where?!
Take note of Isabelle's squinty face....back in the day Amelia had the bitter beer face. We have realized that Isabelle's is the squinty face.
Grandpa's hat
Amelia was obsessed with presents this year - in all ways. I think she was amazed by the whole concept of it. This gift in particular, was not a new gift...in fact, this is Amelia's babydoll. She has had her doll for months, BUT she was wrapping the gift she got for Isabelle and babydoll was right there, so she wanted to wrap it too and bring it gramma and grandpa's. And we did and she opened it like it was new.
Another Isabelle/Harley moment....gotta love the taste of that ball!
Isabelle loved the wrapping paper almost more than anything else! The crackle of the paper was very interesting to her.
An Amelia smile!
Grandpa got an air-zooka - here he is taking aim! Watch out!
Some snuggle time with mommy
Gramma helping do bedtime routine
Isabelle really likes to go after things that are not hers.....if they are Harley's - yes. if they are Amelia's - yes. if they are hers - eh, maybe some other time.
Squinty face 1!
Squinty face 2!
We made baby Jesus birthday cakes and the concept really resonated with Amelia (of course any cake does with a kid!). She has talked about baby Ja-Jas cakes for days afterwards.
We sang happy birthday to baby Ja-Jas and then we sang again for Gramma, since her birthday was only a few days later. Since Christmas, Amelia sings happy birthday multiple times a week. It is so so sweet. Here she is singing.....
Since baby Ja-Jas wasn't physically there, we had gramma blow out the candles
Yummy cakes!
Hmmm. Grandpa even taught Amelia how to lick the wrapper - to which she remembers and practices still
Isabelle crawling on grandpa
Strike a pose
Isabelle in her little walker. This little thing has really helped her whole mobility progress, since it helped her stand and work on her balance
Joey had so much fun at gramma and grandpa's too. The old dog was even chasing toys, which she hasn't done for years! I don't think she would have minded staying!
This is a great picture....until you realize Isabelle is actually pooping.
We had some troubles getting a picture without someone goofing around.
The best one we could get
And even more restless girls
Amelia helping gramma pack up leftovers
A moment with Isabelle and Grandpa
We went to a house that was covered with lights! Amelia loved it! But it was also soo cold.
Grandpa and Amelia walking through the lights